Why Vote?

We vote for school boards?

Yup, not only do we vote for councillors and mayors, but also for school board members.  You will vote for one of the following in your ward:

Why you should vote - ESPECIALLY if you have kids

School boards are elected officials that have an alarming amount of influence considering how few people actually cast votes for them.  They decide how to spend millions of public tax dollars (which is one reason to be involved even if you don't have kids in school).  As for parents, school boards are in charge of basically everything to do with schools. You want a choice of who's filling those seats.

A few of  the many things school boards are involved in:
  • student expulsions
  • disciplining teachers (esp. those faced with charges)
  • homework time limits
  • school budgets
  • fundraising
  • whether/how controversial subjects should be taught (i.e. religion/human sexuality)
  • liaising with city/provincial governments
  • deciding on school closures