Why Vote?


We do not live in a vacuum.  In fact, as Canadians, we have the honour of living in a relatively young country still seeking its identity.  We were founded largely by two groups of people: the natives who lived here, and a bunch of exploring Europeans that were seeking a better way of life in a better land.   Together we've built a society, and agreed on set of rules that more or less govern the way we live.

In 2010, however, it doesn't feel that new.  It seems pretty established, and  we've grown comfortable and a bit apathetic.   This has led a lot of us to have a sense of entitlement.  And why not?  I think I'm entitled to a lot of things - the ability to choose who I want to marry, the freedom to work where I want, buy what I want, say what I want, make websites preaching my viewpoint.

This is the way it's always been for me, and new advances in technology keep making it better.  But it wasn't so long ago that we didn't have all these things, and even had to fight and die to get them.  Perhaps the fighting in the world today has this benefit: it reminds us not to take our lives for granted.  No such thing as a free lunch?  Well, freedom didn't come for free, either! 

As I said, we don't live in a vacuum.  It is my responsibility - and yours - to have some involvement in the rules that govern our lives, even if we think they are boring or don't affect us.  So many people every year emigrate to our country from the rest of the world, and although the reasons vary, they have a common thread: freedom.  We've got it, and they don't.  So please don't shrug off the freedom that's been handed to you.  Earn it. 

This is your Call of Duty, gamers!